Pine Siskin - January

Bonneville Salt Flats - February

Quartz, Keane Wonder Mine, Death Valley - February

Mesquite Dunes, Death Valley - February

Ubehebe Crater Area, Death Valley - February

Indian Canyons, Palm Springs - February

Indian Canyons, Palm Springs - February

Palm Springs Area - February

Joshua Tree National Park - February

Cedar Waxwing - February

Snow In Yard - March

San Juan Mountains, Silverton, Colorado - March

Abandoned Building Near Great Sand Dunes NP, Alamosa, Colorado Area - March

Leprachaun Canyon, North Wash, Hite Area, Utah - March

Trout Lily - April

Kirk Hotel, Tooele - April

Sanguinaria (blood root) - April

View From Bryce Canyon - April

White House Ruin, Canyon de Chelley, Navajo Nation - May

Tseyi Overlook, Canyon de Chelley, Navajo Nation - May

Lion, Hogle Zoo, Salt Lake City - May

Elephant, Hogle Zoo, Salt Lake City - May

Bald Eagle, Hogle Zoo, Salt Lake City - May

Bristlecone Pine (young and old), Cedar Breaks National Monument - July

Cedar Breaks National Monument - July

View From Brian Head Peak, Utah - July

View of Front Yard - July

Sunflower - August

Moss Glen Falls, Stowe Area, Vermont - September

Weathered Gravestone, Peacham Cemetery, Vermont - September

Upper Cox Brook Bridge, Northfield Area, Vermont - September

Northfield Area, Vermont - September

Eddy Swirls, Sterling Gorge, Stowe Area, Vermont - September

Sterling Gorge, Stowe Area, Vermont - September

Bread and Puppet Museum, Glover, Vermont - September

Red Mill, Jericho, Vermont - September

Lumber Mill Bridge, Waterville Area, Vermont - September

Robinson Saw Mill, Kents Corner, Vermont - September

Lake Champlain from Shelburne Farms, Burlington, Vermont - September

Church Street, Burlington, Vermont - September

Burlington Harbor, Vermont - September

Fall Color, Big Cottonwood Canyon - October

Fading Aspens, Silver Lake, Big Cottonwood Canyon - October

Japanese Maple Leaves and Maidenhair Fern - November

Beach Scene, Point Reyes, California - December

Fort Funston, San Francisco, California - December

Presidio Cemetery, San Francisco, California - December

Andy Goldsworthy Installation at The Presidio, San Francisco, California - December

Antelope Island View, Great Salt Lake - December